Southern Ocean Freshwater Input from Antarctica (SOFIA) Initiative


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The Southern Ocean Freshwater Input from Antarctica (SOFIA) Initiative aims to improve our understanding of the simulated response to Antarctic freshwater input, and in particular the model uncertainty.

The initiative has developed an experimental protocol and is engaging with modelling groups from around the world to run this common set of experiments using a variety of coupled climate and ocean-only models. Data from this international multi-model ensemble is openly shared for analysis, and is being synthesized into a series of publications by SOFIA participants.

The initiative was started by the CliC/CLIVAR/SCAR Southern Ocean Regional Panel, is endorsed as a CLIVAR task team, and is a registered CMIP7 community MIP.


The SOFIA team is made up of a collection of about 40 interested scientists. We always welcome participation from additional members and models. The team has an active slack workspace, and we meet on every second Tuesday of the month via Zoom at 20:00 (8 pm) UTC. Get in touch for details: mail.sofiamip [at] gmail [dot] com !


The SOFIA experiment protocol was published in Geophysical Model Development (GMD) in December 2023 and can be downloaded as pdf document.

Links and references

Get in touch via email: mail.sofiamip [at] gmail [dot] com